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Measurement Kit

PowderFlow Measurement Kit

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Carpenter Additive's PowderFlow is a comprehensive powder flow measurement kit which allows users to quickly and accurately characterize the powder flow to known ASTM standards and determine whether powder is changing during the AM process.


A variation in powder is disruptive to the end product, so early identification of powder quality is key to differentiating whether a problem may be attributed to machine, process or powder.


Using PowderFlow can significantly reduce time and cost wasted in identifying any source of concern, adding efficiency to the metal additive manufacturing process.


PowderFlow is delivered in a robust case and allows you to determine the following:
• Apparent Density - ASTM B212
• Angle of Repose – no applicable standard
• Hall Flow - ASTM B213
• Carney Flow - ASTM B964


PowderFlow contains the following items:
• Base Plate, Support Rod, Collar
• Hall Flow Funnel
• Carney Flow Funnel
• Apparent Density Cup
• Stopwatch
• Calibration Powder
• Standard Operating Procedure
• Height Gauge